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Program auction dinner

Location: “Sociëteit de Vereeniging”, Kazernestraat 38B, Den Haag

19:00 : reception

19:30 : dinner

23:00 : end auction dinner

Included are drinks during the reception and two glasses of wine during the dinner. Further drinks can be ordered at the bar at your own cost.

Dress code: festive

During dinner several items will be auctioned. For information, please send an email to info@2hsv.org.


The online auction will end on 3 November 20:30.

In case you cannot participate at the auction dinner, but you would like to support the project of Lego Education at HSV, you can contribute by donating to us. 

In the past 2HSV organised several auctions in order to help the school to finance several projects. We supported for example the purchase of Chromebooks for all classes.

Time has come to organise a new auction. Actually, we organise two auctions: an online auction and an auction dinner. This auction dinner event will take place on Friday 4 November at the  “sociëteit De Vereeniging(Kazernestraat 38B). We will auction art made by the children, but also a holiday home in Venice and a private piano concert. 

The profit of the auction will go to a special education program using Lego. The children will be using Lego to learn more about technology and learn how to program a Lego robot. Lego will be bought for all groups at school.